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The Alien's Mark (Captives of Pra'kir Book 4) Page 10

  That’ll be no problem.

  Although, he preferred to spank, loving the feel of the soft flesh wobbling and warming under his hand, or the pleasing crack and jarring of flesh under a paddle or belt, he was not averse to using plugs, corner-time, enemas, or whatever other punishments he had in his arsenal.

  He ran his finger along a wide red swath across her lower left buttock. She clenched as much as the stirrups would allow. He growled in disapproval, and she quickly relaxed them again. It appeared she’d be more work than even he had anticipated.

  Strong-willed didn’t even begin to describe this girl’s makeup. But most intelligent women were. They knew what they wanted and had enough reasoning to know how to get it—or how to manipulate their way to their goal.

  His girl? His girl would yield to him in all things. Whether she learned the easy way or the hard way mattered very little to him.

  Now to test that the communicator wasn’t functioning, he’d ask a question that would upset her. “When was the last time she was bathed, Ganza? She has a stench on her.” He waited a brief moment, peeping around her legs to check her facial expression.

  She stared at the ceiling wide-eyed— calm, no sign of anger…or distress.

  “It appears the translator has been cancelled, and our patient is calm maybe even a little subdued. We should enjoy the reprieve, Ganza. I’m thinking this is unusual. At least we know we can have a rest whenever necessary.”

  “She is a wild one, Sir. Are all the women from the spacecraft like this?” Ganza sprayed his hands with a spray sealant—making them not only sterile but protected from any cuts or scrapes which would leave him open for transmission of diseases or the mixing of their blood.

  “They’re more spirited than our women from Pra’kir, no doubt, but I think, even by their standards, she has to be more stubborn and fiery than most.” He reached for the speculum, his fingers gently spread her labia, and, as expected, she jumped, her knees knocking together. Releasing her labia, he lightly patted her hip, reaching up to pry her legs open again, tapping the inside of her thigh in admonition to keep them open.

  He eased her puffy lips open, the vulva shiny with her juices, pushing the metal duck-billed instrument into her channel, locking it in the open position, then adjusting the light, he then reached for the next implement.

  Ganza slapped the pain inhibitor into his hand and sprayed it liberally inside her, taking no chance she’d experience any pain. He tested the area with the tines of a gadget, observing no facial reaction from his very lethargic and peaceful patient.

  Now, to find the eggs he needed from her ovaries. He’d take as many viable specimens as possible.

  Shit! What is that?

  “Scope please.” His hand stayed extended, palm up, waiting for Ganza to place it firmly there. He snaked the probe up to her ovaries. The thermal viewer and extractor positioned perfectly, locked into place, he turned to stare at the monitor.

  “There’s…are they missing, Sir?” Ganza’s lilting, questioning voice to his right mirrored what he was thinking.

  “It appears so.” He wanted to throw something and have a fit like a two-year-old, but knew it would serve no purpose. “She appears to be sterile. From what, I have no idea. I’ll have to interrogate her a bit.”

  He picked up the cryotissue extractor, inserting it carefully, watching the monitor to find the pinkest, most viable tissue in her. He snipped a couple of pieces, carefully placing each into its own test tube. “Please freeze these for possible use later.”

  She smiled back, winking. “As you wish, Sir.”

  Her buxom, matronly form bustled out the room, the test tubes safely nestled into a tray, to be placed them in a locked section of the freezer.

  He pulled the extractor and speculum from Blythe, pushing the tray away. Rising from the stool, he inserted his finger into her cervix, checking for fibroids or tumors. The area appeared to be normal. Extracting his fingers, he then probed her anus with his forefinger, finding the area also checked out as normal and free of polyps.

  Her large green eyes followed his every move, watching his facial expressions closely. He turned the communicator back on. “I’m going to do a quick body check, girl.” He figured he’d enjoy the tranquility of his ward while examining her treasures all in the name of medical research.

  Xan would enjoy his new endeavor. a creature landing unexpectedly on his planet, giving him the opportunity to research and document the medical differences between their species and the one lying on the table before him. Only Dr. Eldon Campria, the Surgeon General of Pra’kir, had experienced this with his astonishing medical research and data on the Mekron. Now, Xan would also have the chance to rise in stature, maybe even attaining the title of surgeon general as well. It was probably more of a dream than reality, but he’d become taken with the idea, nonetheless.

  His hands plumped her breasts, the tissue soft and pliable, squeezing the pointed nipples between his thumb and forefinger, pulling upward until the globes elongated, her soft gasp causing his cock to lengthen.

  “Nice reaction, girl.” He dipped his finger into her core; her juices pooled at the entrance. “It seems not only does spanking increase your arousal, but breast manipulation as well. Interesting…is this normal for you?”

  Her cheeks flushed pink, and she shuttered her eyes, apparently embarrassed by his question. “Yes, Master.”

  “I’ll keep it in mind.” He winked at her, the blush deepening to her neck. “You skin turns pink when you’re embarrassed. I’ve never seen that before. It’s very curious and yet, so fucking arousing. It seems inventing ways to make this occur will become a new goal for me.”

  Her palpated her belly and organs, noting some were smaller and others larger than the Pra’kirians. Further scans and samples would need to be taken to compare and assess the functions of each organ. Yes, he’d be conducting extensive medical tests on his new slave.

  “You’ve been a very good girl throughout these procedures. Let’s give you a reward.” Dipping his fingers into her sex, the heel of his hand pressed against her mound, grinding over her clit.

  Her back arched her eyes closing, thrusting her hips in rhythm with his stroking. She dropped her knees to the sides, opening her sex to his ministrations. The muscles in her belly quivered; her hands clenched into fists, gripping the sides of the table.

  “Oh God! Oh God!”

  He wondered again, who this God was that she spoke of as she was ready to orgasm. His teeth clenched in anger, the very foreign feeling of jealousy rippling through him. It made no sense, but he had an overwhelming urge to choke this man named God, just for being so important to his slave she shouted his name during her ecstasy. They would definitely be talking about who this man was.

  She shouted with her release, her juices squirting over his hand, drenching it and filling the air with her spicy scent.

  He inhaled deeply, her essence like an elixir to him. “Beautiful, my girl. You come apart spectacularly, I love nothing more than watching all your emotions in your facial expressions. You’re very animated. Has anyone told you that?”

  “No, Master.”

  He leaned forward, kissing her lips gently. “Just beautiful.” He stared into the depths of her green eyes, wondering again in this short amount of time if he’d begun to have feelings for her that ran deeper than he’d anticipated. “Sit up when you’re ready. I’ll wash up, and we’ll go upstairs for some lunch before we talk.”

  Xan went to the sink to wash the spray gloves off his hands with the special soap to dissolve them.

  Her wide, green eyes watching him closely. Blythe would be a good girl, after her training, and a great assistant. He couldn’t let his guard down with her just yet. She was too new, and he suspected she’d require a firm hand for a while.

  Once she’d grown accustomed to his house and rules, falling into his patterns and routines, he’d ease off, showing her a different side—but he’d never be an easy master. It wasn’t wh
o he was at all. He expected and desired obedience—immediate and with no back talk. He’d squash her rebellious nature, fostering her intelligence and quick thinking. Those were qualities he liked in a woman.

  His woman.

  But, for now, he needed to question her history and break the news to her about her infertility.


  They’d barely finished lunch, and Blythe had been sent to his bedroom and told to sit on his bed, waiting for him.

  Taking notice of his implement closet had her anxiety rising, her belly flipping in trepidation. She’d behaved during her exam—the medication helping immensely--but his mood had been somber upon leaving the medical room. After they had returned upstairs for lunch, he’d asked how she felt, among other medical questions about being dizzy, nauseous, etc. The normal doctor questions, but something in his eyes communicated something was off. He’d seemed distant, and she’d looked up from her soup to find him staring off, deep in thought.

  At his heavy footfalls on the wooden stairs, her heart galloped in her chest. Would he be giving her another beating? It wasn’t dark yet. Would he fuck her in the middle of the day? Her pussy still ached from the invasion of his large cock just twelve hours ago. Blythe couldn’t imagine she’d be able to hold back her cries if he entered her sex harshly this soon.

  The door swung open, his tall frame filling the doorway. She held her breath, looking to his hands first, relieved there was no implement.

  “In retrospect, I should’ve put you in the corner. It always benefits a Master to have his slave reflecting on her behavior, wondering if there’s an impending punishment.” The lock snicked as he quietly closed the door, standing in front of her with his hands behind his back, staring down at her with no show of emotion.

  “Am I being punished, M-Master?” She could barely swallow past the lump in her throat.

  He shook his head, murmuring, “Not right now, girl. Do you think you should be?

  “No, si—Master. I’ve done nothing wrong.”

  “Yet,” he mumbled, sitting on the bed next to her. “We’ve a few things to discuss before carrying on.” He shifted, placing his bent knee on the bed, to face her completely. “Tell me a bit of your medical history as a child.”


  He closed his eyes, dropping his head. “Must you question everything? Can’t you just answer the question?”

  “S-sure.” She furrowed her eyebrows at him. “I had the normal illnesses. Cold, stomach bugs, chicken pox. But—” She bit her lip, playing with her fingernails, not wanting to look him in the eye.

  “I have a feeling it’s the but I’m interested in.”

  “I had leukemia at nine. I spent the better part of fifteen months in and out of hospitals, chemotherapy, blood transfusions, and pneumonia. They thought I may not make it.” Her eyes filled with tears.

  Will I ever be able to talk about this without crying? Ever?

  He tilted her face up with a finger to her chin. “It must’ve been very scary as a little girl.” He paused, clearing his throat. “I have something I need to share with you, my pet. There’s no easy way to say it.”

  Her chest constricted, cutting off her air. It’s back! She just knew that’s what he’d say. She’d been fearing that event for most of her life.

  “You have no eggs in your ovaries. You’re sterile, my dear.”

  “Oh, thank God!” She pulled in a shaky breath, closing her eyes with gratitude and relief. No Cancer! “Do I have leukemia again?” She couldn’t relax until she heard his answer.

  “Your tissue and cells appear to be normal. I don’t know what cancer is or leukemia, but I can assure you your cells are fine.”

  She exhaled the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding. “As for being sterile, they told me years ago I’d never have children. I worried my cancer had returned.”

  “You knew?” His eyebrows shot up, his eyes wide with shock.

  She smiled to herself, watching him exhale loudly, obviously relieved she knew already.

  “Yes. Were you worried about telling me? Is that why you were upset at lunch?”

  He shook his head. “Yes. Well, no…maybe. I didn’t relish the idea of telling you.”

  “Oh.” She traced her finger on the pattern woven into his bedspread. “Does that mean you’ll be sending me to another foster family?” Even to her ears her voice sounded small and afraid. He may not be a great Master, but she feared someone else may treat her worse.

  “Have you decided I’m not a bad Master after all, even while sitting on a bruised hind end?”

  She shifted uncomfortably on the bedspread. The soft velvet felt like burlap, and she didn’t wish to be hasty with her decision and pronouncement of his character…not just yet at least.

  “I may withhold my opinion on that for the time being, but if you have plans and I cannot fulfill them, I’ll understand if you have to send me to another house. I would like…can I…would you just assure me my next family would treat me well, Master?” A tear slid off the end of her nose, landing in her lap. She swiped at it with the back of her hand, giving him a cursory glance, not sure if he’d reject her plea.

  “I’m not giving up on you, girl. You’re my ward, my woman. You’ll not be sent from this household. I don’t give up on people that easily. I believe with some training and firm discipline, you’ll become a valued assistant and family member. All of this will be in due time, of course.”

  She wished to avoid his firm discipline, but also knew his high standards and regimented lifestyle would demand she comply precisely and submissively. Traits that didn’t come easy to her. She nodded silently, more to herself than to him. Lifting her gaze back to his dark, stern countenance, she said, “I understand.”

  “When you were on Earth, did you ever plan on having children by adoption, or had you planned to be childless?”

  “I had always dreamed of having a child. I love children. But being alive trumped that and I had resolved if I ever had a husband who wished to have children, we’d adopt. If I didn’t marry and instead, focused on my career, I’d remain childless.” She shrugged, hoping she looked nonchalant. Sharing her feelings with him had become unnerving.

  Xan studied her face, and then he hastily stood up, clapping his hands together loudly. “In the corner. I want you to reflect upon your day, ready to answer any questions when it’s over.”

  “Wha? Why? I didn’t—”

  “Always with the back talk. Do as you’re told.” He pointed to a corner on the far side of his room.

  She stood facing the corner quietly, not sure what to do with her hands.

  “Hands on your head, and nose touching the corner.”

  She leaned forward pressing her nose into the seam, her posture obscenely pushing her bottom out, her elbows leaning on each wall. Even though she knew she’d done nothing wrong. Well nothing since he belted her for striking the nurse.

  She shifted, her juices pooling along the tight seam of her sex. He’d been so angry, she hoped she’d avoid upsetting him to that length again. The repeated slapping of leather on her flesh was a something she’d dodge completely in the future, if at all possible. Her body shivered involuntarily.

  “Well, you’ll be telling me what caused that shiver.”

  She shifted minutely, to peep at him from the corner of her eye.

  Holding a tumbler of amber liquid, he pointed his finger from around the glass at her. “I swear to the Na, girl, you’ll end up over my knee again today. Keep that blasted nose in the corner, or else!”

  She spun her head to face forward, doing as she was told, her buttocks clenching in fear. His deep voice vibrated through her core setting her clit thrumming. She ran through the activities of her morning, her examination—what she remembered of it—lunch, being sent to his room, and the talk that preceded her corner time. She couldn’t remember anything she’d done wrong.

  “Come here, pet.”

  She turned to find him sittin
g quietly on the edge of the bed, his emptied glass sitting on the nightstand next to a carafe of the same amber fluid. She dragged her heels, until she stood a safe distance from him.

  With a slight shake of his head, he reached out pulling her to stand between his knees. “Were you thinking?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “And? What was the verdict? Were you a good girl today or a bad girl?” He quirked an eyebrow at her.

  “I… I guess I was a bad girl. But the spankings made me …a good girl?”

  His eyes narrowed. “Is that a question? Are you asking me? Or telling me?”

  “I’m not sure, Master.”

  “Do you think a spanking makes you a good girl once again?”

  “I was always told it did.”

  “Or is a spanking just payment for a wrongful deed? A penalty for your sins? Serving a penalty doesn’t always mean one’s character is redeemed, you know?” He tilted his head, waiting for her answer.

  She regarded him quietly, feeling a bit panicked, and she wanted the perfect answer…one that would keep her ass safe. “I’m difficult some days…maybe many days. But I’m a good girl. And today...I had…my bottom has been…I’m pretty confident I’ll be a good girl the rest of the day, Master.”

  “I’ll reserve judgment, the day is young yet. But, looking at your little ass, I’d assume that being a good girl would be top priority.” He pushed back farther onto the bed, patting his right thigh. “Lie over my lap.”

  She stared at his dark dress pants and the contours of the hard thigh visible through the cloth. Swallowing, she complied. Once she was there, he adjusted her until her bottom was centered over his lap. The snap of a lid opening had her craning to see what he’d opened. Xan squeezed out a generous dollop of white cream then worked it onto her sore buttocks.

  “I’m doing this for my benefit, girl. Not yours. I need your ass to heal quickly, so I can continue with your training. It’d help immensely if you’d figure out how to do as you’re told—the first time. Rest assured, you’ll always receive a good beating regardless of the state of your ass, but my goal is to keep any markings to a minimum. This cream will help.” He massaged it in, working it with his long fingers.