The Alien's Mark (Captives of Pra'kir Book 4) Page 13
“The fuck?” Blythe tossed her bag over her shoulder and charged toward them. She must be trying to plow through them, knowing once she was outside she could attempt an escape. She wouldn’t succeed, of course, but her determination was admirable.
“Grab her!” Xan lunged toward her, just missing her arm.
She ducked, crouching close to the ground to run around them.
Billex placed the rod along her midsection and depressed the button.
With a loud groan, bordering on a screech, Blythe fell onto the dusty floor with a thud, landing on her belly.
Xan snapped her collar on. “What a perfect position.” He slapped her bottom several times—hard, his hand keeping her from rolling over. Her legs thrummed into the hardwood. “That’s just a warm up for your punishment when we get home. What were you thinking?”
“Fuck you!”
“Stop! Level Three!”
Blythe’s body stiffened. The electrical shocks ran through her, her body convulsing. And as had happened previously, she lost control of her bladder, her gray sweat pants darkening with her urine.
“Ohhhh!” The poor girl’s face scrunched. Throwing her hands up, she sobbed pitifully.
His heart aching, he wanted to do nothing more than scoop her up, holding and rocking her. But she needed his consistency, he knew this to his bones. She responded to his discipline, it steadied her. He’d become a buoy for her—when all else made no sense—his structure and rules with the built in reward and punishment structure strengthened her.
Her doe eyes looked at him pleadingly. He knew she would want to hear him say good girl or my pet. Her face softened, her mouth curving into a smile.
Xan knew she needed those words today, too. But, first, she needed punishment. Needed to know he couldn’t protect her when she ran away, couldn’t keep her from harm if she wasn’t under his wing. She’d learn the hard way today that actions have consequences and that a Master will never allow his slave to put herself in danger.
“Come, pet. We’ll get you out of these clothes. My girl is happiest naked, anyway Standing her up, he first took off his sweatshirt she was wearing and then his jersey underneath. Her nipples pebbled in the cold room. Both his hands cupped and squeezed her lush breasts. He had missed holding his girls. Tonight, he’d make up for lost time.
“We’ll be discussing how you stole my things, bad girl. It will not be tolerated. There will be a lash for every item taken without my permission. That leaves you answering for many things, girl, doesn’t it?
Her green eyes scanning his face, she choked out a sob. “Yes, Master.”
He shook his head disgustedly. “Such a bad girl.”
She sniffled, keeping her head down, swiping at her tears and dripping nose while he moved to her sweatpants.
Xan untied the string at the waist of his sweat pants she was also wearing, and because they were a couple of sizes too big they quickly puddled at her feet, the heavy material drenched. “Step out of those.”
She pulled her feet out and stood gloriously naked. Her round, soft belly had his cock twitching. Nothing excited him more than her curves, feeling her fleshy body under him, those plump thighs squeezing him.
Reaching around her, he clutched her round ass before slapping it again, the smack echoing in the cabin. The sunrise cast an amber hue in the room, as well as upon her pleasing form, making him want to fuck her right there on the floor.
But Billex is here.
He cleared his throat, noticing her gaze had dropped to the growing bulge in his pants. He murmured in her ear after snatching her elbow. “You won’t be getting my cock until your ass has been blistered, bad girl. You’ll see what happens to a bad pet I call mine.”
Her cheeks pinkened with her blush. Blinking at him, she echoed, “Mine?”
Do I see hope? Does my Blythe want to be owned by me?
“You’ll wish you weren’t mine when I’m done with you today. I don’t think you’re prepared for the consequences you’ve earned.” Before she could respond, he dragged her out the door, leaving Billex to pick up her belongings.
He swiped his hand over the panel on the vehicle and the trunk opened. “I know it is cold out here. This will go quickly if you behave. If you don’t, then you’ll freeze. Choice is always yours, pet.
Pressing his hand between her shoulder blades, he bent her over, her breasts resting on the floor of the trunk. Her bottom was pink, with the red outline of his fingers showing in some places.
Billex lumbered out of the cabin with his arms full of clothes and supplies.
Looking over his shoulder, Xan said, “Billex, thank you for gathering those. Can you hand me her plug and tail, please.”
She growled, deep in her throat. Obviously, she wasn’t pleased. Good.
“Quiet. No back talk.” He pushed down on the small of her back, her bottom spreading. “Now ,open for your tail.”
“It’s not—”
He dropped the metal plug with a thud next to her then slapped her bottom furiously. He took satisfaction in knowing that the pain in her bottom would be harsher.
Dancing on her toes, she repeated, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Are you? Because your behavior says otherwise. Spread your legs and open your asshole for this plug, or I swear I’ll give you an enema when we get home. Try me.”
Her little pucker opened, pulsing and winking at him with every squeeze of her sphincter. He had no doubt the fear running through her body had her clenching often. She readily accepted the plug he slipped into place. “Good pet.”
He tied the tail to the flange then ran his fingers through the fine, soft white fur. “Stay still.” He backed away, saying loudly, “Behave. Level Two!”
Tremors overtook her body, not as intense this time, but enough that her knees gave way, the weight of her body supported by the trunk alone. Her bottom swayed, the flesh wobbling pleasantly. He swore his cock would claw its way out of his pants at this rate.
The shock abruptly ended, followed by her quiet cries.
“That and your red ass should keep your quiet on the way home, and then, for the duration of the ride, you can ponder what your punishment is going to be like if this is just the warmup. You’d do well to fear it, girl.”
Jerking her upright, he walked her to the front passenger seat so he could keep a close eye on her. Billex climbed into the back, shock wand at the ready. Good man.
“You’ll behave and keep your mouth shut for the short trip home. Billex has the wand poised and ready for any misbehavior on your part. If I were you, I’d do my best to not piss him off.”
“I’m sorry, Master.” Her lips quivered, silent tears tracking down her cheeks.
“It’s too late for that, my dear. But we’ll discuss your actions and remorse in great detail today, and maybe…just maybe, I’ll accept your apology later. The day is young. We’ll see.”
Blythe stood in his office, as instructed, waiting for him to return. Her knees shook, her belly flipping. She’d had enough of his beatings to know this would be severe, and although he’d never broken skin, the bruises and ache in her muscles often had her sore for days.
On the ride home, he’d said to her, “You didn’t even take the time to think about my reaction. How I would feel when I realized you were gone? How worried I would be. Did it occur to you that you could have, with your lack of knowledge, killed Ganza and me? Your impulsive behavior put not only yourself at risk but also us. Your actions will reap severe consequences. Did you think about any of that? What would happen if I hadn’t caught you?”
The tic in his jaw and the angry thin line of his lips had her so frightened, she had just shaken her in head in reply.
And he was right. She hadn’t thought of the consequences. As a child, she’d been told she needed to plan her actions better. People, wise people, planned not only the steps they wished to take, but they also took into account the consequences.
again, she’d planned and had her supplies and steps figured out. She even knew her desired end result. But, she’d neglected to take into account her Master would find her, would re-capture her then punish her severely.
She clenched her buttocks, hearing his footsteps on the stairs. Holding her breath, she stared at the huge wooden door, expectantly. Like every door in the house, it swung open silently, all hinges greased.
He came into the room, his eyebrow knitted, jaw clenched. He went to his cabinet, extracting what he needed, dropping a paddle and hairbrush with a loud clatter onto his desk before his hands went to the buckle on his belt then paused. “Come here, pet. Crawl.”
She dropped to her knees, gracefully, as she’d been trained then got onto all fours, her breasts dangling, her nipples furling, the plump flesh bumping with her arms as she crawled toward him. She stopped in front of him, head down, staring at his shiny, black dress shoes.
“Up on your knees. Eyes on me.”
Blythe rose, clasping her elbows behind her as she’d also been trained, looking into those cold black eyes, hoping for—but not finding—mercy.
He stared, his hand twitching at his side—those tells were never a good sign for her bottom.
“Take my belt off, fold it, and kiss it. Then hand it to me.”
She swallowed. He wanted her to touch it? She clenched her bottom hole. A shiver running through her body, she stared at the dreaded implement he loved so much.
“I suggest you obey, girl. Quickly.”
“Y-yes, Master.” Although she tried to control it, her fingers shook, making the task even more difficult than she anticipated. She slipped the leather tail through the silver buckle.
It’s his thin dress belt. I hate this one.
She’d been punished with both his thick, wide strap and the thin, whippy dress one he wore today. Though she didn’t favor either, the bite of the thin one made it hard to control her movements and reactions.
After pulling the metal post from the hole, she pulled the buckle away. The jingle of the tooth hitting the metal made her clit throb.
Why does this arouse me?
“I see your eyebrows furrowing. Stop thinking and just do it.” He spoke barely above a whisper, but the rasp in his voice and the jut of his cock behind the thin fabric said he was aroused by this, too.
Grasping the buckle in her right hand, she pulled, the leather free from the loops on his pants. Using her left hand she grasped the rest of the length, gathering it in a folded-over manner. Taking a deep breath, she brought it to her lips and kissed the cool leather. She lifted her gaze to meet his, offering the evil belt to him in both hands. “For you, Master.”
“You can be such a good girl when you want to be.” He took the belt from her and let his hand fall to his side. He slapping it against his leg. “On your hands and knees again. Turn your bottom toward me.”
Hesitantly, she turned, her heart racing, waiting for the lash.
“We’re going to deal with the stealing now.” He flipped her tail onto her back, giving it a yank before letting it go.
Blythe gasped. Her rectum tightened.
“Recite for me what you stole from my house for your little escapade.” He tapped the leather on her bottom in warning. She knew if she forgot even one item he’d cataloged—and she had no doubt he had a list on his desk—he’d lash her for leaving an item out.
She couldn’t think. Her mind blurred. Worry and fear gripping her, stealing her thoughts and voice.
He tapped his shoe on the floor. The intensity and rhythm of the tapping increased.
“Um…your shirt, sweatshirt, sweatpants…a bag…flashlight, blanket…cookies, cheese…that meat stuff…a light.” Her throat attempted to work around the growing lump. Think! “Um…that’s it…I think…M-Master.”
Repeated swaths of burning pain, like fire, swept across the broadest part of her buttocks. She tried to crawl away from him, only to find he’d taken hold of her tail, keeping her in place by the sheer screaming pain of the plug in her pucker.
“You forgot Ganza’s shoes!” Each word was accentuated with a blistering smack of the belt.
“You forgot the medication instrument and my jacket!”
The leather whipped the underside of her bottom and upper thighs. She danced on her knees, frantically trying to escape his wrath and only held back by the sphincter muscles straining against the plug.
“You stole money and the keys to my medical room and cabin!”
The only satisfaction she had at this point was how winded he’d become from the exertion of beating her ass. It was, however, small consolation for the pain and no doubt escalating marks on her backside.
She no longer heard the whacks of leather on her skin, but the pain continued to mushroom. Dropping her head to the floor, she wept openly, commiserating on her pathetic situation and the foolishness of thinking she could escape.
The belt clinked behind her, and through her hiccups, she felt relief her whipping had ended, but she knew him well enough to understand her punishment was far from over.
“In the corner with you. We’ll discuss your other punishments when your time is up.”
She crawled, her tears wetting the floor, her knees getting damp from them. Once in the corner, Blythe knelt, grasping her elbows behind her, her tits touching the walls as required. She knelt on her rug. The rug he loved to place her on, the one that made her cry every time she read it.
Why were you a bad girl?
She choked out a sob. Why?
Why were you a bad girl?
His heavy footfalls stopped at her side. She didn’t dare look, but, in her peripheral vision, his dark, pointy dress shoes came into view.
Pinching each nipple harshly, pulling on them, elongating her breasts, he murmured, “I missed my tits. You keep those nipples against the wall or I’ll spank your ass again. Hear?”
“Yes, Master.”
“You say that so pretty. Why were you such a bad girl?” He tsked loudly, walking away.
The whisper of fabric and the whoosh of the cushion from his weight let her know he sat behind his desk.
My punishment log.
Her Master liked documenting everything, every spanking and punishment she’d earned, delighting in reading them aloud to her in the evening.
She wished she could take a peek at it—if she could read their language—have a bit of knowledge of what was in store for her, but maybe not knowing would be better.
Her eyelids felt heavy. She hadn’t slept well in that dark, secluded cabin and had spent most of her night wishing she hadn’t left and was lying safely in his arms, protected and warm. Now, with one punishment past, her adrenalin easing, she wanted nothing more than sleep. But her Master wouldn’t be relenting for a while yet. Not after what she’d done.
Marking down her punishments in her punishment log had become a source of great pride, and he enjoyed even more reading them out loud to her, while her cheeks blushed with embarrassment.
Watching her submit to something so humiliating, especially given her rebellious nature, spoke of the level of training she’d received in such a short time.
It hadn’t been easy forcing her to comply with his rules, but the reward had been greater than with someone who passively responded. However, today, she’d incurred a punishment that had him worried. He wanted her to understand the severity of her actions, wanted her to fear ever doing something even remotely close to it again.
But the fear of going too far, of pushing her away, had him reconsidering…even questioning himself.
Xan wasn’t used to that. He’d spent most of his life following his gut reaction, never doubting his actions. If he fucked up or made a wrong move, he’d just readjust and come back to surpass his initial goals.
But this woman—this lovely, curvaceous, tiny woman—she’d turned his world upside down. He suddenly questioned everything he did, not wanting to go too far
. Not that he’d ever let her know. But losing her wasn’t an option anymore. She was…his. He wanted anyone who found her—whether he was dead or alive—to know she belonged to Xan Breckett.
Her ass was already bruised, and it seemed only highlighted by sharp contrast with the white tail. It was the reason he started with the belt. He wanted to get the bulk of the bruises done in the beginning. Besides, it started her punishment on a very serious note, conveying how the rest of the session would continue.
He adjusted the length of his cock—again. With the worst case of sarr sac he’d had in years, he really needed to fuck her—and soon.
Rising from his chair, he rounded his desk to sit on the corner. “Come here, bad girl.”
She stiffened, backing away from the corner to crawl toward him on her hands and knees. Her breasts swayed, bouncing and bumping against each other.
Impossibly, he lengthened even more within the constriction of his clothing. He whispered, “I swear by Na, I want to do nothing more than fuck you.”
When she was within arm’s reach, each hand seized a plump breast, pillowing them, envisioning his cock pounding the plentiful flesh. Her small, rosebud mouth only inches from his hard penis wasn’t helping his plight at all. He quickly dropped her breasts, needing to focus.
“Time to talk about privacy, my pet.”
Adorably, her eyebrows knitted before straightening.
“You lied to Ganza and myself, saying you needed privacy. But after thinking about it, I suspect that is an issue for you. Am I correct?”
“Yes, Master.”
“And you broke into my medical room and stole my medication wand. I’ve already punished you for stealing. I’m talking about breaking into my office…and invading my privacy as well. You did that, correct?” He raised his eyebrows, waiting for her response.
“Yes, Master.”
He stood from the corner, walking across the room to look out a window at the backyard. “You see, I have an ingenious correction for that. You desire privacy, to the point of breaking not only my rules, but the law to obtain it…so the logical penalty is losing all privacy.” He turned around his hands laced behind his back, stalking toward the petrified girl with the wide eyes, her throat visibly working as she swallowed.