The Alien's Mark (Captives of Pra'kir Book 4) Page 17
“I’m your Master, girl. You answer my question first.”
She paused, looking down briefly. “Yes, I wish I could have a baby—for you and for me. I hate that cancer ruined that for me.” Her lip quivered, before she pulled it between her teeth, shaking her head.
“Hey. Hey.” He pulled his girl into his arms, cocooning her there, kissing the top of her head. My poor girl.
Rocking and swaying with her until her cries quieted, he pulled away, bending his head to look at her nose to nose. “What would you think if I told you I may have a solution?”
“What? Really?” She blew her nose with the tissue he handed her.
“Remember when we did your exam on your first day?”
“Well, I took several tissue samples from your womb.” He held a hand up to prevent her from interrupting. “Let me continue. Our medical technology is more advanced than on Terra, and one of the things we’ve been able to do here is make viable eggs from tissue. So I’ve been experimenting with your tissue…and—”
“And what?” She bounced on her bottom with excitement, making him laugh out loud.
“And we have some viable eggs in test tubes, waiting for your approval and my semen.”
“But…my uterus might not be safe, or I may not be able to carry a baby.” He saw the worry burst through her short-lived elation.
“We have the medical means to grow an embryo outside the mother’s womb. You wouldn’t have to worry about that.” He watched her face brighten. “Is that a yes?”
“Can we do this? I mean, will the Council of Nine be upset? Do we have to get approval from anyone?” She held his hands so tightly they began to hurt.
“Well, since I’ll be part of the Council, they’ll be fine with it. We don’t need approval from anyone. We’re the only ones who will decide.” His heart hammered in his chest. He hadn’t realized how hopeful he’d become that she’d agree.
The thought of a little girl with strawberry blonde hair, or a little boy with black hair and blue eyes, warmed him. He’d never thought of himself as a person who loved children, neither hating nor loving them, but the prospect of sharing his life with her, and having children—a perfect blend of both of them, filling all the empty places he hadn’t known existed until meeting her—had him almost giddy.
“Is it yes or no, girl?”
“Yes! I’d love to have a baby with you. I can’t believe you did that for me. That you’ve been growing eggs all this time, hoping I’d agree.”
“I’ve known since the day you came into this house, gnashing your teeth at me, that you’d be the perfect pet—wearing my mark, and having my baby. My girl.”
To be continued…
Excerpts from Captives of Pra’kir
Books 1-5
Captives of Pra’kir, Book 2
Mated Against Her Will
Dinah McLeod
Her brow furrowed as she scowled at him. “Well, you know what, I don’t want you to spank me, not for pleasure, or anything else. Maybe I did, but I don’t anymore. You’re arrogant to think that every woman must want you. You’re arrogant, and you’re a jackass.”
He listened to her angry tirade until she stopped. She was still glaring at him, and breathing hard, her nostrils flaring. Still, he found her insatiably attractive. He never would have thought he would enjoy being yelled at—indeed, no woman on his planet had ever dared—and maybe it was simply because he was thinking of spanking her pale, gorgeous ass again, but somehow, her little speech just made his cock harder. He had to have her.
“Go get me a switch from that tree over there,” he instructed as he pointed. He was careful not to let his voice betray his feelings of desire.
“Fine,” she snapped. She whirled around and took three steps toward the tree before spinning to face him again. “You know what? No. I will not. I’m tired of you acting like I’m some…some animal you have to tame! I will not be treated like this, and I am not going to fetch an implement for you to beat me with! If you want it, get it yourself!”
Binnix stepped toward her, his long legged strides closing the distance between them almost before she could realize what was happening. Then he captured her face between his hands, lifted her effortlessly, and kissed her.
When he set her back down again the look on her face was positively dazed.
“Get me the switch I asked you for, Sarai.”
“I…what did you do to me?”
“I kissed you,” he replied matter-of-factly.
“Was it…do you…was it magic?”
He chuckled softly. “It might have been for you.”
“I…I feel so strange.”
“I can see that. Get me the switch now—don’t make me tell you again.”
“Or what?” she asked. She didn’t sound defiant this time—all of the anger had melted out of her voice. She seemed merely curious and Binnix was happy to satisfy her curiosity.
“Or I’ll whip your bottom to ribbons, my darling.”
She bit down on her bottom lip, looking at him with wide, limpid blue eyes before she nodded once.
He was pleased that she’d chosen to obey, and just as thrilled to watch her walk away. How had he not noticed just how voluptuous her backside was? Her hips were wide, creating quite the eye-catching sight when she was viewed from behind. She had such a tiny waist, which made her ass stand out all the more. It was a beautiful sight anytime, though his favorite was when it was bare and over his knee. He was going to branch out, however—no pun intended—and see what he thought of it bare and bent over while she hugged a tree and waited for the lash of the switch. Though he couldn’t say for sure, he was nearly certain that he would find it just as pleasurable.
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Captives of Pra’kir, Book3
Her Alien Masters
Renee Rose
“Clothes off,” he said, releasing her wrists. She still wore one of the bright yellow prison jumpersuits normally worn by juvenile offenders, since the adult uniforms were too large.
She spun to face him, mouth agape. “Excuse me?”
“You heard me. Take off your prison uniform. For the initial conditioning, we’ll need you naked at all times. It enhances your sense of vulnerability and submission and helps establish our roles as your masters.”
“Fuck. That.”
He didn’t understand the command to fuck that. Not only was she not being specific about what he was supposed to have casual relations with, but the only thing he was in a mood to fuck was her. Unfortunately, he appeared more like she wanted to kick his teeth out, which was a damn cute look on her.
Jakk closed in from the other direction. “If we have to help you undress, Mira, you will earn your first consequence.”
She bolted.
The little human ran straight for the door, moving faster than he would’ve expected. Jakk lunged forward, catching her around the waist, covering her mouth when she screamed. He carried her a few steps forward, offering her up for Gav’n to undress. She didn’t make it easy, wriggling and twisting like a wild animal, but he managed to work the prison suit off her while his brother held her flailing body.
“And now your consequence.” Jakk used an emotionless tone, as if they always stripped young females and paddled their naked bottoms. His brother carried her to the settee and Gav’n followed, sitting next to Jakk, so Mira’s head fell in his lap when her bottom went over Jakk’s. He took control of Mira’s wrists while Jakk scissored one thigh over her kicking legs.
Mira opened her mouth as if to bite him, but his reflexes were quicker and he caught her by the hair and pulled her face away in time. “Ah ah, little human. Biting will earn you a second consequence.”
Jakk’s palm landed on her bare ass with a resounding crack and the little thing jerked. Gav’n watched as f
irst shock, then fury scrawled across her features. The pink imprint of Jakk’s large hand bloomed on one of her cheeks. Jakk slapped her again, harder, on the other side. Jakk picked up the pace, spanking her rapidly on one cheek then the other, right where she sat.
“Ow! What is this? You can’t keep me here like this—ow!”
Her resistance turned him on. Still holding her by the wrists and the hair, Gav’n leaned forward and spoke softly in her ear, making his voice as loving and gentle as he knew how. “Easy, Mira. It’s a spanking. To teach you to obey. That’s all that’s going on here.”
Her eyes swiveled to peer at him as best as they could with his hair-hold. They revealed betrayal. Her small, rounded breasts heaved as she panted with the pain and stress.
He shoved a pillow between her head and his lap and released her hair, massaging her scalp when her head fell to the pillow. To his satisfaction, she remained collapsed, as if she’d accepted her fate. He continued to massage her head while Jakk slapped away at her rapidly reddening ass.
And a rather perfect ass it was. As was the rest of her. Pale ivory skin glowed with health, her slender body was built of lean muscle, legs long. She was certainly the most beautiful creature he’d ever had the fortune to disrobe.
The pain must have set in, because Mira lifted her head again, tugging against his hold on her wrists and squirming. Of course, with the two of them holding her down, she wasn’t going anywhere.
Jakk spanked her steadily for another full minute and then stopped, rubbing her pink buttocks. His mismatched eyes had darkened and Gav’n knew his brother must be as aroused as he was. Jakk drew in a deep breath, his palm roving over Mira’s punished ass in a caress now. “Do you smell that, Gav’n?” he asked thickly.
Gav’n inhaled through his nose. Feminine arousal. The delicious scent of Mira’s musk reached his nostrils. “I think Mira enjoyed her spanking as much as we liked giving it.”
Her head flew up, anger blazing in her eyes.
He laughed. “Your body can’t lie, little one.”
Released 5/5/17
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Captives of Pra’kir, Book 1
Binding Brinley
Maren Smith
He noticed her silence and it was enough to distract him from the news. “I sense you are unhappy.”
“You think?” Brinley asked caustically. “What could I possibly have to be unhappy ab—oh, wait.” She held up her bound wrists in emphasis. “Among many other reasons, this might have something to do with why.”
“That is a temporary security measure and one that will eventually be discarded.” He turned back to his news.
“Just as soon as I can trust you. Five… perhaps ten years from now.”
Five or ten years? Her temper spiked again. “Maybe if I knew I was going to be treated fairly in a place that isn’t another prison, I’d be more willing to be trustworthy.”
He stared at her for so long she began checking the open stretch of rail ahead of them.
“Do you want me to drive?” she offered.
“Then would you? One fiery crash per lifetime is enough for anybody.” She settled back in her seat, fidgeting with the cuffs, twisting her wrists until it felt as if the rough plastic edges were cutting into them. “Watch the road.”
“We aren’t going to crash, fiery or otherwise,” Rowth soothed again. “It’s all perfectly automated, and I’m not taking you to another prison. I’m taking you to my home.”
“Can I leave?” she demanded.
“Then it’s a prison. Watch the road.”
“I don’t need to ‘watch the road’,” Rowth said, not quite rolling his eyes. “The shuttle can handle itself.”
“If that were true, it wouldn’t come with controls. If you can’t trust your own car, what hope do I have?”
“Why do I feel you are trying to start an argument with me?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Brinley said, too busy clutching the handle to notice the warning in his frown. “Maybe because you drugged me, you’re holding me prisoner, and now you’re trying to scare the shit out of—watch the damn road! Oh my God, slow down!” Was it her imagination or did she really just feel the car come off the rails on that last corner? “You’re trying to kill me, you sadistic—”
“Watch your tone.” Releasing the controls, Rowth sat back in his seat far enough to face her fully. “You are fine. You are safe. But you might not be if you speak to me like that again. Let me explain something you seem not to have realized. I am the only person responsible for your current and future wellbeing, and there are consequences associated with trying to upset me for no good reason.”
“No good reason?” Letting go of the handle, Brinley shook her bound wrists at him. “Think about it carefully. No good reason?”
“Nobody upsets me,” Rowth replied. “Think about that carefully. Nobody. Not one person on the whole of this planet.”
She gave him a toothy, unamused smile. “Not anymore.”
“Do you want me to take you to the cellar first thing when we get home?” He said it as if it were a threat. “Because if you do, I have an old barrel that you may well find yourself stretched over before the night is out.”
Her smile vanished even as her eyebrows rose. “What, like stretched on a rack? What comes next, flogging? Waterboarding? Are you going to stick an anal pear up my ass and see how wide you can open it before I scream?”
His expression underwent the most subtle change, drifting from unreadable to damned unreadable, but with a touch of approval. “So, your people have a precedent.”
“Only if you’re Torquemada.” When he only blinked at her, she grudgingly supplied, “He was a Grand Inquisitor several hundred years ago.”
“A religious torturer during the Spanish Inquisition.”
Shifting in his chair, Rowth put his hands back on the vehicle’s control stick. “My translator is having difficulties with much of what you say, but I am not your Torquemada. However, magistrates do often make inquiries, so I suppose that does make me an inquisitor of a sort.” He studied the rail ahead of them. “And I am rather grand.” She stared at him, silent in her incredulity, until he added, “You’d do well to keep that in mind, too, before you go deliberately seeking ways to prick my temper.”
“I don’t know what I was thinking,” she deadpanned.
He shrugged. “You’re an alien, a female, and incredibly young. For a short time, at least, I am willing to be both patient and stern while you learn how best to mold yourself to our ways and become a productive member of society.”
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Coming Soon!
Captives of Pra’kir, Book 4
The Alien’s Mark
Megan Michaels
“You know what’s expected.”
“No.” Xan stopped setting up his tray, putting his hands on his hips, exasperated with his girl. “Do I need to tie you down?”
“No, Master. I’ll be good.” Her eyes darted around the room, looking toward his lab.
“I know where you want to go, but you’ll have to behave first, or the privilege will be taken away. What would take away your visitation, girl?”
She pulled her lip between her small white teeth. “Moving my hands from above my head. Uhm…I need to keep my legs splayed open for your procedures and be very still.”
“Yes.” He nodded toward her solemnly, raising his eyebrows in warning. “Or you could cause injury, but more than that you’d be a sad girl for the rest of the day, waiting for visitation tomorrow.”
Her heart dropped, she had to see the test tube—needed – to see it. The thought of waiting another day made tears threat
en to fall. “I’ll be good.”
“I know you always believe you will be, but you have a way of dashing even your hopes in that regard…often. What else?” He methodically places his tools and swabs just the way he liked them, waiting for her answer.
“I need to have a respectful attitude, guarding my tone and words.”
“You seem to know the words, but there’s a disconnect with your actions. Isn’t that so, bad girl.” His dark eyebrows were knit above the eyes so dark that the pupils couldn’t be seen. He’d been drilling the rules into her for months now—and her ass—and she knew how to repeat them in rote form.
“I don’t think so.” She blinked innocently up at him. Whenever possible she reinforced that she tried and that she was indeed a good girl. Always convey your desire to be obedient to your captor.
Turning his head, he addressed their nurse, “Ganza, I’d like to hear your opinion on the matter of Miss Blythe’s attitude and respect regarding obedience to the rules.”
The very large woman stepped forward, the fabric on her crisp black dress and white apron whispering as she walked, her hand sweeping over her hair caught up in a severe bun on the back of her head. “It’s been my experience that Blythe is fiery and sassy, some days it seems beyond repair, but when she puts her mind to it, she is as sweet as a kitten, Sir.”
“Indeed, and just as cuddly as one too, but your observation is sound. As always, Ganza. Thank you.” He gave his faithful employee a slight bow before wagging his finger toward Blythe. “I suggest you still that sassy tongue, or I may have to put it to good use. I have ways of keeping an open mouth occupied.”
Blythe’s hips squirmed on the metal table, her arousal climbing. Although she’d never admit it to him, sucking his cock – or even thinking about it – had become a great source of pleasure. The length and girth of a Pra’kirian cock was something to behold. Initially, it’d been more than she thought she’d ever adjust to, but over time, she loved nothing more than displaying her love for it.