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The Alien's Mark (Captives of Pra'kir Book 4) Page 4

  With a slight shake of his head, he murmured. “’Tis a pity.” His cool hand petted her bare sex. He appeared disappointed, before ordering, “Step out of your clothes. It’s time we got on with your punishment.”

  “M-my punishment?” She struggled to swallow past the lump growing in her throat.

  “We punish in this house. My house—and now yours.” He stated this in a matter-of-fact manner. “When you bite or disobey orders, there will be discipline. Harsh and swift. The collar is just one of the methods I employ. There are many, many more. If you keep misbehaving, you’ll find yourself introduced to all of them tonight.”

  Billex came through the door, holding a large silver butt plug in his one hand and a large oak paddle. The round wooden implement was much bigger than any paddle on Earth. Blythe had no doubt it would easily cover the backside of a woman in Endermere. But, for her? This thing would encompass her thighs as well, ensuring a good paddling would be dealt.

  “Here you go, Xan.” Billex placed the items on the table with the lamp before pinning Blyth with a stern stare. “I knew you’d get yourself paddled, but who knew it’d be this soon? I warned you, girl, now you’re going to get a taste of your future here.”

  In spite of her bravado, she gave the paddle a long, hard look, shivering more from fear than the temperature of the room.

  “I think our little pet is seeing that exact thing, Billex. Thank you. That’ll be all for now. I’ll communicate if I need any further assistance. It shouldn’t take me too long to get things in order here.”

  “Okay, Doc.” He closed the large dark door behind him, cloaking the room in almost complete silence again, the ticking of the clock on the mantle the only sound.

  She stared at the items on the table. She’d seen butt plugs online, had even worn one years ago, but not one this size.

  Picking up the plug, he turned the shiny metal in front of her. “This? This is going to be another form of discipline for you. It’s similar to your collar—they came as a set. After inserting this into your bottom hole, you’ll get dual shocks—to your neck and your anus.”

  He then pulled on a circular handle at the flange, pulling the inner core out, leaving the center hollow. “And this little hole.” He tapped the opening. “This can be filled with ice or warm water—whichever strikes my fancy that day, giving you an added punishment, similar to what is known as an enema.” He pushed metal rod back in, locking it in place filling the channel.

  She blinked furiously at him, leaning forward to spit out her response to this vile piece of equipment. “You must be fucking nuts! What kind of effing lunatic are you? They put me with a crazy man.” Pivoting, she attempted to flee the room.

  Xan shouted, “Stop! Level Two!”

  She froze midstep, her body quaking from yet another electric shock. As soon as it ended, Blythe went into a full-fledged tantrum, stomping her feet, hands clenched into fists, growling in frustration.

  “That’s it.” He picked her up by the waist, tossing her easily over his lap, his hard knees knocking the air out of her. He wrapped an arm around her midsection holding her tightly, her outer arm pinned tightly to her body. Blythe was totally immobile.

  “This punishment stops when I say. Not you. You’ll be punished—harshly. Now, tell me why you’re being disciplined, girl.” He fumbled at the table, and peeked over her shoulder, watching him pull a bottle of lube from a drawer in the table, squeezing out a generous dollop onto his fingers.

  She struggled on his hips, doing her best to wrangle herself from his restraint. “You’re going to care more about why you’re bleeding soon, and not about what I’ve done. Trust me.”

  “Threatening.” He shook his head before pulling her buttocks apart, pressing the cold lube up against her dusky hole. “We’ll add that sin to your list.” His arm covered most of her back keeping her restrained on his lap, his elbow between her shoulder blades. He pressed the tip of the silver toy to the pucker, pushing insistently, forcing the tight ring of muscle to relent.

  Blythe clenched her cheeks, raising her legs, attempting—in vain—to cover her bottom with her bare feet.

  Xan pinched one of her cheeks hard enough she screeched loudly. “Legs down.” He covered her legs with one of his own, leaving her completely restrained and immobile.

  “You need to push back, girl. Let this plug in—we’re not stopping until you relent. As I said, punishment continues regardless of your actions.” He lifted his left leg higher, effectively jack-knifing her over his thigh, pressing the plug farther into her body.

  The burning in her anus intensified with his persistent press on the intruder. Blythe groaned in surrender, losing a battle she’d tried her best to win.

  “Behavior such as yours is never tolerated in this house. You’ll find yourself punished every single time.” He patted her bottom before lightly stroking the skin. “You’ll have a bruise from my pinch by morning—along with many others—you’ve earned with your misbehavior.”


  Blythe stiffened. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been spanked—as a child, no doubt, many, many years ago and over silly things she had no remembrance of. She vowed she’d take the paddling silently. This would be her new home, and she needed to adjust. And, well, she had bitten him…and drawn blood. If anything deserved an old-fashioned, over-the-knee spanking, it would be biting a person in authority.

  The first swat of his hand cracked loudly in the quiet parlor.

  I need to get off this humongous man’s lap and get the fuck out of here.

  She kicked and clawed, flailing her arms as his dinner-plate-sized hand crashed repeatedly on her tender backside.

  “Biting is not allowed. You will be shocked and spanked. Every. Time.”

  Anguish overshadowed all other emotions. She had to get away from here. The thought of living with someone who not only believed in corporal punishment but was also cruel and …well, inhuman... just wasn’t an option for her. Escape was the only option that made sense.

  Desperate times called for desperate measures. She leaned forward, twisting her head and bit his leg—hard. She gagged on the taste of the sulfuric blood, breathing through her nose, ignoring the twitch of her gag reflex in the back of her throat.

  “Stop!” Xan shouted the command simultaneously with a strike to her buttocks shoving her forward on his lap.

  Then the lightning bolt shock coursing through her anus had her screeching while the muscles in her neck constricted against the jolt from her pet collar. “Ohhhh!”

  “What kind of stubborn woman are you? You’re naked over my lap with a red, spanked bottom, and you choose to bite me again? Have you taken leave of your senses?” He paused and then said, “Again!”

  The charge flowed through her body again. She convulsed only for a few seconds before collapsing over his lap, sobbing quietly. As much as she hated the collar, she loathed the plug more. It had made her little pucker so sore, she swore it hurt to breathe.

  “Now we’ll move to the paddle for defiance. You purposefully defied the rules, knowing the consequences.” He picked up the gleaming flat oak paddle. When he pressed it against her abused flesh, it covered the whole of her bottom—and then some. With no warning, he proceeded to slam the wood onto her bottom with a staccato rhythm.,

  The burning sting reverberated through her muscles, the tendrils of pain snaking down her legs. She bucked her hips on his thighs, doing her best to sway and wiggle away from the brutal blows from the unforgiving wood, but as tightly restrained as she was, the paddle landed firmly on her posterior without skipping a beat. Her hair clung to her tear-drenched face, and without the ability to even claw at his leg or cover her inflamed flesh, she’d begun to feel she’d lost this battle.

  Her body stiffened with the punishing sting. She’d moved past the panic he’d never stop and submitted completely, limp and sobbing.

  “I despise a defiant brat even more than a liar.” The thick wood crashed twice mo
re to accentuate his disdain before he let go of her arm, leaving her to wallow in self-pity and control her sobs.

  Although she felt compelled to rub the angry burn in her buttocks, she instinctually knew it wouldn’t be accepted well. Instead, she ran her fingers along the ridges of the braided rug under his chair, staring at the swirling pattern of brown, cream, and rose.

  Xan pulled roughly on her outer arm and shoulder. “Stand up.” He kept his hands on her until her quivering legs steadied once again, able to hold her weight.

  “Go to the cabinet.” His extremely long index finger pointed at a rich brown armoire.

  Blythe stared at it before returning her gaze back to him. He nodded silently, his lips thinned.

  She walked with mincing steps, the skin on her hind end feeling tight and almost numb. She stopped in front of the gleaming wood, placing a shaky hand on the brass knob, faltering before pulling it open.

  Blythe inhaled loudly. It was filled to the brim with implements. Some hung from hooks, lined perfectly by size, others were ensconced in velvet, lying neatly beside rods, straps, belts, and other sundry items.

  I’m in way over my fucking head here. This man must be a sadist—a psychopath and sadist.

  “It is my hope to use most of these implements during your stay. And, from the looks of things, it’ll be sooner rather than later. Poor girl.” He tsked, an evil smirk curving his full lips, and then he had the audacity to wink at her.

  She narrowed her eyes at him, her heart racing, and the anger rising once again.

  “Ah-ah. Before you get riled, you may want to rethink your reaction.” He paused, letting the gravity of her plight sink in.

  She withheld her reaction, knowing it wouldn’t be wise.

  “Please bring me the small cane—it’s only about twelve inches long. Hanging near the far right.”

  She stared at the varying lengths of bamboo, rattan, and birch, fingering the smooth lengths lined by size along the back wall.

  “Keep going—yes. Over there on the far right. I want the one with the red mark on the handle. Ahhhh, yes, that’s the one.”

  She picked it up, running the palm of her hand along the smooth wood. It didn’t seem fearsome, but the gleam in his eye and his evil grin spoke otherwise. His sadistic delight had her insides roiling, her steps slowing in her march back to him.

  Xan’s dark eyes watched her intensely, like a lion with his prey. When she was close enough, he took the rod from her, pulling her naked body to stand toe-to-toe with him. “From now on, since biting is an issue for you, the shock to both your neck and anus will be phase one of your punishment. Phase two will be the oak paddle.” He nodded at the vile implement. “Phase three will be this rod—spanking your little pucker along with three lashes of the same rod over your paddled bottom.”

  “I-I need to leave this house. I th-think I’ll need to contact the magistrate and the Council of Nine to move me to another house. D-do I have an advocate, Sir?”

  His large, beautiful mouth curved into a full smile. “Advocate? Is that what you said?”

  She nodded, his face blurring through her watery gaze.

  He laughed a low, almost sinister chuckle. “My dear pet, you’ll find you have no advocate. I’m the only voice you’ll have from now on. I’ll meet your needs and, in turn, demand your obedience in all things. Your wants and desires are really of no consequence to me. You see, you’ve been given to me as a gift, and I understand at this moment you may not see me as a gift, but someday, girl, hopefully sooner rather than later, you’ll come to see me in this light. But, until then, you’ll receive no reprieve from my training regimen for you.”

  His finger swiped at a tear on her cheek, and he brought the watery evidence of her sadness to his lips. “Nothing is sweeter than the salty tears of a submissive. I’ll take delight in your misery because it satisfies a longing in me.”

  For the first time, her plight became crystal clear. This was her punishment for crashing into Endermere, and he was the gift she’d been given instead of death.

  Death would’ve been kinder.

  She pulled in a shaky breath, staring into the dark depths of her captor’s eyes, hoping to discover mercy or kindness there…and finding none.

  Xan leaned forward his eyebrows furrowed, speaking in a low growl of warning. “You have no rights, prisoner. You crashed into our town and destroyed our beaches, killing people. Our kindness as a planet has placed you in my house, and my status as a respected doctor for our community that has placed you in this respectable household.”


  He put his hand up to halt her. “No, you listen. Your wishes and desires are no longer of concern to me, the Magistrate, or the Council of Nine. You’ll be punished severely, used as a sex toy, and you’re here to meet my every need. You’ll learn obedience is rewarded.” He stroked his cool long knuckles along the side of her face, and she forced herself to not cringe at his touch.

  “Good girls are happier, no doubt. But, whether you’re an unhappy bad girl or not is totally up to you. Just know I don’t care— my only desire is your obedience.”

  She may have been spared the death penalty or whatever fate would have awaited her in prison, but she’d been placed into a house with a sadistic psychopath who believed in punishing women with a cabinet full of implements.

  I may have been better off with the death penalty. I’m not the submitting type.

  “I see you’re contemplating your plight—no worries, my pet. You’ll have all night to nurse your sore bottom—and other places—mulling over how to change your ways. You’ll comply one way or another. Most days at our house, you’ll be used completely and harshly and put to bed with your sex dripping.”

  She swallowed loudly, a small sob escaping, several large tears tracking down her cheeks.

  “It’s been a long day for you, my poor little pet. Let’s get on with this last bit of your punishment so you can take a bath and eat a good meal before we seal our contract. I want you in bed at a reasonable hour.”

  Seal their contract? Oh God!

  He turned her around, his hands unnaturally cool on her bare skin, pressing between her shoulder blades. “Bend over.”

  She resisted presenting her bottom, especially standing this close to him, but his strength made her attempt futile. His hand soothed her inflamed tissue, easing the sting. “You have some beautiful purple bruises showing up on this very pink hind end. Very pretty. I’ll like seeing your bottom this way, I think.”

  With no warning he tugged harshly at her plug and pulled it out roughly, the metal clinking on the table near her. “Yes. That little hole is very red. That punishment plug will be very effective.” He pressed his wide digit into her.

  “Ohhhh. Ohhhh, nooo!”

  “Burns, doesn’t it, pet?”

  “Yes, Master.” It bothered her to call anyone Master, but she couldn’t imagine any additional punishment—not today at least.

  “Good girl. Now, wrap your arms around your knees, clasping your elbows.”

  Xan fumbled with something on the table and she peeked around her arms to see him holding the small rod. He braced the small of her back and before she could wonder what was next, he had lashed the crack of her bottom. The cane felt like a bee sting right on the tight ring of muscle.

  Unable to rise due to the heft of his large hand on her back, she danced on her tiptoes, shrieking.

  “You have two more sets—one for each bite since you left the detention center today and one for threatening me with a bite.”

  The small cane hit the small area blow after blow, and she cried until her throat was raw.

  Xan paused, giving her a momentary reprieve between sets. He stroked his finger along the spanked area. His cold, clammy skin felt unnaturally pleasant.

  He swished the whippy stick through the air behind her before striking the divide several more times. She heaved, gasping for air between sobs.

  And although she didn’t think it was po
ssible, the pain increased when the tip of the metal plug once again pressed against her injured little bottom hole. “Oh, Master. Please.”

  “You beg so prettily, my pet. I’m going to love hearing that delicate voice beg her Master for mercy, and do you know why?”

  “No, Master.”

  He leaned close to her ear, his warm breath tickling the small hairs. “Because I like being able to say no, and watch your tears slide down your cheeks.”

  And with no concern for her pleas or tears, he pushed the large plug back into her bottom with one harsh thrust. Bile rose to the back of her throat, but she swallowed it down, not wanting to show him any sign of weakness. He may have won the battle today, but she’d try again…maybe tomorrow.


  Still bent in half, she watched her tears puddle onto the carpet, leaving a dark brown patch, her poor bottom and anus throbbing.

  “Stand up.” With a hand on her elbow, he steadied her.

  She straightened slowly, the tight ring of muscle excruciatingly sore, flexing around the flange of the butt plug, causing her to gasp out loud. She snuck her hands around to gingerly touch her bottom.

  “Normally, you’d have to ask permission before touching your backside or you’d be sent directly to the corner to stand with your red buttocks on display. But, today, I’ll forgo that bit of punishment.” He leaned back in the chair, arms crossed over his chest watching her massage the inflamed flesh.

  Her eyes roamed over his body. His tailored dress shirt hugged his muscled stomach and chest, the sleeves bunching around his large biceps, hairy forearms visible below the rolled-up sleeves. She licked her lips, her mouth watering instinctually at the sight of the prominent bulge in his pants.

  Her punishment had aroused him. Xan obviously was very well endowed.

  After gawking at his cock, every ridge clearly seen through the light dress pants, she let her eyes meet his again, only to realize he’d been watching her closely and he smiled smugly at her, pleased with her reaction.