The Alien's Mark (Captives of Pra'kir Book 4) Read online

Page 6

  “Why? Is that what you just asked me?” Ganza shook her head. “Push that bottom out, knees pressed. Now, girl.”

  She did as required, thighs trembling.

  Ganza pulled out a small brush and what appeared to be a penlight. When the nurse pressed a blue button on the side of the narrow cylinder, a nozzle popped out. Ganza then depressed the red button just below the blue one, dispensing what sounded like compressed air.

  “This will feel cold.” She proceeded to line up the gadget with Blythe’s anus.

  “What the fuck? Hell, no!” Dropping her feet to the towel, she quickly covered her bottom with the heels.

  “We’re bleaching your pucker, girl. Master likes it a pretty pink like I told you before. You’ll cooperate one way or another. Knees. Chest.” She slapped both outer thighs sharply. “It’s just a spray. I’ll rub it in with a soft brush, wait a few minutes, and it’ll be a beautiful pink rosebud. All this fuss is just silly…and from a big girl like yourself. “

  She hated feeling foolish, and the woman’s words cut to her core. After everything she’d been through today, bleaching wouldn’t be painful. She brought her knees up, exposing her anus to the woman. The cool mist spread liberally over the area. The temperature difference made her shift uncomfortably.

  “Stay still and let this work in.” Ganza took the soft-bristled brush and scrubbed the area, assuring the bleach was incorporated fully. “Your pussy is dripping again. Amazing.” The woman stared intently at her sex.

  Moaning in embarrassment, she shuttered her eyes, resting her head against her knees, hoping to hide the blush that had risen to her face and neck.

  “Such a beauty…the Master did well for himself. He’s a very lucky man. You’re the first ward he’s chosen. And to get this? A woman who is beautiful, hyper-sexual, and intelligent. Now, if he can get you to behave and submit to his authority, you’ll be a perfect ward…and maybe more.”

  Christ! I hope not. The last thing I need is to be more than a prisoner.

  She couldn’t imagine anything worse. Adjusting to the titles of prisoner and ward would be a daunting task, one she wasn’t sure she could succeed at—and wasn’t sure she wanted to be successful at, either.

  “Time’s up. I’ll just wipe away the excess, leaving the remainder of the bleach to finish its work. One more thing. Spread your cheeks with your hands and push out, so I can insert your plug again.” She wagged a finger at Blythe. “And do not fight me or complain. Until Master decides, that plug will be staying in—it’s part of your correction process and training. So, open up. Push.”

  She didn’t want to accept the plug, but the thought of more anal caning was more than she could handle. She bore down, feeling the tight ring of muscle open.

  “That’s a girl. You opened up beautifully. Good girl,” she cooed and lightly patted her hip as a reward.

  And for whatever reason, the gesture softened Blythe. It had been a long day with many intrusive, painful measures taken, but to have this woman—a large, stern woman she barely knew—coo and pat her like a fractious animal, soothed her spirit. She relaxed into the insertable, her body easily accepting it, closing comfortably around the neck of the flange.

  “That’s how good girls behave, Blythe. We’ll be doing things like this every day. It’ll be easier for me, and for you, if you submit to them and not fight every procedure. Now, sit up and let me brush your hair before dinner.”

  “Am I going to have some clothes?” She hoped so. She’d begun to feel chilly and wasn’t accustomed to being naked all day.

  “No, my dear. Xan feels it’ll help with your training to remain nude. He wants you available to him –in all ways. Keeping you out of your element and sexually exposed will force you into a submissive position quicker.”


  “Don’t make that face. It doesn’t become you.” The brush caught on tangles, jerking her head back. “You’ll see, in time, he’s not a bad man. Just stern and demanding. He knows what he wants, and he expects obedience implicitly.”

  She abruptly stood, turning to look at Blythe from head to toe, then extending her hand, palm up. “Come along, girl. Time for your penance and some much-needed dinner. He likes curvy women, and I’m sure he’ll do his best to keep your tits and ass just as plump as they are now—maybe adding a few pounds. You’ll never be sent to bed with no dinner, little one.” Ganza winked at her. A light buzz of the sensor sounded, the door whooshing open as they approached.


  Xan poured himself a drink and quickly gulped it down before filling the crystal tumbler again with the amber liquid. Blythe was more of a struggle than he’d been told. The biting and raging had been an issue in jail, but he’d thought in different surroundings, it would dissipate. Her feistiness appeared to know no bounds. Not that it worried or bothered him. He’d never lost a battle, and this one would be no different.

  Walking over to the small living room table, he picked up the cane he’d carelessly discarded after he’d punished her little pucker. He slid his hand along the smooth wood, nodding to himself, thinking once again how much he loved the feel of a cane in his hand, the silky smoothness, hard and solid, bending only a bit., not unlike the Master wielding it.

  Remembering how Blythe’s cheeks quivered, her trembling hands holding her freshly spanked cheeks open, his cock rose, hardening. The lines had quickly risen on the surface of her buttocks, the reddish purple tramlines even more arousing than he’d remembered them from previous canings he’d administered.

  Punishing a woman—his woman—had been something Xan loved even as a young man, but with age he’d learned the deeper nuances of subjugating a woman, keeping her under his control. A woman with a sore, striped ass tended to be more compliant and malleable, one who would service his needs and desires—no matter how deviant—immediately. And if she didn’t respond in a timely manner, well then, he’d mete out more severe punishment. Either situation was a win-win for him.

  Standing in front of his large stone fireplace, staring down at the hot embers and flames, he thought how much he’d enjoy training a pet—and prisoner. Although many saw him as stern and exacting, which he was in many respects, he also took care of what belonged to him. Possessions and property were to be treasured. They were to be cared for with food, water, bedding, and, when necessary, clothing. His pet wouldn’t be wearing any, though. Not until he’d used and marked every inch of her curvy, luscious body. But he’d tend to his slave’s needs more than his employees.

  First, however, he’d have to instill a healthy respect in her. She’d learn to avoid and fear the correction of the collar and rod. He didn’t want her petrified. A wariness that would elicit obedience was his goal. Already, he’d spanked, paddled, and caned that big bottom of hers. She’d be wearing and feeling the evidence of his displeasure for days, and if she misbehaved again, she’d quickly learn he had little concern for how sore her ass would be at the end of yet another correction.

  He required complete obedience and submission. Nothing less.

  He lengthened behind his dress pants and quickly readjusted himself, wanting nothing more than to plunge his cock into her hot cunt from behind, kneading and plumping her bountiful buttocks. When he’d watched the plug stretching her bottom hole, it had taken every ounce of strength to not toss the intruder aside and prove to her she was his. That only his cock would fill her and plow into the dark depths of her ass. He wondered yet again if he’d be the first to take her asshole. He could only hope.

  His pet would learn to submit. The easy way or the hard way. And, once she did, she’d reap the bounty of his giving nature. But, until then, it appeared his new ward would be difficult, and the challenge excited him more than he’d ever imagined.


  Blythe walked next to the nurse with mincing steps, gasping with every movement down the stairs, the plug rubbing against the tender, caned, irritated, and bleached anus. Her poor little asshole just ached.

/>   “Good girls who don’t bite don’t have to worry about the pain you’re having.”

  She glared back at the woman, but when Ganza abruptly stopped on the stairs, her lips thinning, Blythe quickly fixed her face, smiling sweetly at the nurse.

  The large woman pushed on the heavy wooden door to the den. Xan stood in front of the fireplace, his hands clasped behind him. The muscles in his shoulders bunched under his tailored dress shirt. The broad expanse of his back tapered to a narrow waist with a thin dress belt, and his tight ass filled out the pants. The man had a gorgeous backside.

  He turned slowly, staring intently but not moving. A large erection bulged in his pants, and Blythe swore her mouth watered. It’d been a while since she’d been with a man, but this was ridiculous. She’d never reacted sexually to a stranger—, not on this level.

  When they made direct eye contact, he smiled devilishly at her. “Are you liking the view, my pet? I can smell your desire over here.” He cleared his throat, sauntering toward her and directing his conversation to Ganza. “How did my pet behave during her bath?”

  “She’s a good girl. After your spanking, she behaved beautifully. She accepted the dildo—not the full length, but that’s to be expected. In time she’ll accept your full length, Sir.” Ganza stated matter-of-factly with no concern to Blythe’s embarrassment.

  “No doubt. I’m glad to hear tonight’s festivities will go forward without a hitch.” He stood toe to toe with Blythe. “First, we’ll be dealing with your penance for snapping your teeth at Ganza.” His one hand gripped her shoulder, the other hand going to the anal plug then propelling her forward with a shove to the handle.

  He stopped her in front of a rug in the corner with writing on it. Of course, she couldn’t read Pra’kirian, even though the translator in her ear changed his language to her, it was unable to do the same with writing.

  “It says,” Xan whispered in her ear, “Why were you a bad girl?”

  He reached into his pocket, extracting and sprinkling what appeared to resemble raw rice onto the rug. “Kneel.”

  Blythe awkwardly dropped to her knees, harder than she’d planned.

  “You’ll become better at that.”

  The rice dug into her soft skin, still moist from her bath. She shifted, hoping to find a less painful position.

  “You’ve noticed your punishment, I see. It hurts and will hurt worse as your time in the corner increases. You’ll think about your behavior and will answer the question written on your time out rug when you’re given permission to stand again.”

  Blythe leaned back, resting her bottom on her heels.

  “Oh, no. You’ll place your weight fully on your knees, arms clasped behind your back, each hand grasping the opposite elbow.”

  Pulling in a shaky breath, she rose, holding her back and head straight, doing as she was told. Her knees screamed with pain already. She only hoped he’d keep the time to a minimum, or she’d be in tears—soon.

  Xan and Ganza moved away, talking at a distance. She tried listening to the whispering on the opposite side of the room, not able to make it all out. “Seemed surprised…copious amounts…very sexual…not used to our men…very lucky…yes, the biting…wouldn’t be prudent…she’ll learn…the plug seems to work…severe caning…part of the contract…my property.”

  The pieces of conversation she did hear weren’t comforting. Part of the contract. That one upset her the most. She’d be forced to have sex with a man she didn’t know…hell, a man she didn’t even like. Yes, he was attractive, but being taken—ward or not—didn’t seem right.

  His footsteps on the hardwood floors made her jump. Out of the corner of her eyes, she watched him walk Ganza to the door. The rolled-up cuffs on his white dress shirt fit tightly over the corded muscles of his arms. The power in those arms and hands had her quivering in the corner.

  “I’ll need your assistance with the experiment and her medical exam tomorrow. Ten o’clock.”

  “I’ll be there, Sir. Should I prepare her for the exam?”

  Glancing over at Blythe, he said, “I’ll need you to bathe her in the morning. But I don’t want anything tampering with her natural fluids.”

  “As you wish. See you tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow, Ganza.”

  The lock snicked as the heavy door shut. She’d hoped he’d come over and relieve her from her punishment, but instead he pointed at the corner with a silent command for her to turn around. He sat in a chair by the fireplace, swiping his finger across an electronic pad to read.

  She shifted slightly, her knees throbbing. This day had been distressing, and this penance, as he called it, threatened to catapult her into tears.

  Why were you a bad girl?

  She hated that phrase. She wasn’t a bad girl. Not really. She may be impulsive, or mouthy, but to be labeled bad? No. People usually saw her as a good girl. Energetic, sassy, intelligent, independent, and kind, yes, but not someone who did things to be mean or spiteful.

  However, since coming to Pra’kir, she’d been violent: biting, gnashing, and just…well, out of control and could see where these traits put her in a negative light.

  “Come here, pet.”

  She braced both hands on the wall and rose. Her knees felt raw, but there wasn’t a speck of blood. She reached down to brush off the rice grains.

  “No. Leave it be. I’ll clean you. Come here.” He put aside his reader, uncrossing his long legs, the bulge still present, just not as prominent.

  She walked up to him, head held high. She’d show no fear to this man. It was embarrassing enough she’d been spanked and had broken down into tears, sobbing in front of him. She’d hold onto her self-respect and perseverance for as long as possible.

  “This is a good punishment for girls who’ve received too many spankings for one day, and it’s humbling and painful as hell. I have many methods to make you behave, girl.” He brushed the rice off her knees, catching the grains in his hand and depositing them back into his pocket.

  Once finished, he lightly rubbed her knees, clucking and shaking his head before leaning back in his chair, his knees bracing her thighs, steadying her. He cupped his face with his thumb and forefinger, eyes narrowed, watching her closely.

  What he was looking for? She had no idea, shifting on her feet, uncomfortable at the length of time he continued to stare at her.

  “Why were you a bad girl?” His gravelly voice rumbled over her, sparking her clit, bringing it to life.

  “I’m not a bad girl.”

  “Master,” he corrected.

  “I’m not a bad girl, Master.” She kept her eyes focused on him, not diverting them in fear. She’d be damned before that happened.

  Both his eyebrows arched. “From what I’ve seen today, I can’t agree.”

  She couldn’t argue his logic; she really hadn’t shown him otherwise. She quietly nodded.

  “Why were you a bad girl?”

  “I was afraid.” She dropped her gaze to her clasped hands in front of her.

  “And, in the process, made it worse, causing yourself more pain and fear. You’ll learn to listen, pet. You’re mine. You’ll do as I say, when I say it, or you’ll do it with a sore bottom. It’s better to submit to my requests—the first time.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Very nice.” He cupped her pussy, the breadth of his hand forcing her to widen her thighs.

  She tried backing up, only to have his knees pin her in place.

  “Stay still.” His middle finger eased between her labia, stroking from her clit to dip into her sex. “So wet, girl. Ganza is right. You appear to make a copious amount of juice. I’ll be able to fuck you whenever I desire.”

  Knowing she had nothing to gain by keeping silent, she took a deep breath. “M-Master, are you…are you allowed to fuck me?”

  Pulling his finger from her pussy, he made a show of sucking it loudly, while inhaling deeply. “Allowed? Is that what you just asked?”

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  “It’s not only allowed, it’s expected. I’m to use you for any pleasure, or task I deem necessary. It is imperative we fuck often to seal our partnership. You’ll be under me, in more ways than one, for the duration of your stay.”

  Her heart raced, her stomach roiled, threatening to toss its contents. “How long am I staying…Master?”

  “It’s up to me. I can toss you back to them in a day or keep you forever.” He sucked her hardened nipple into his mouth, the tug on her womb making her hips thrust forward against her will. “So responsive,” he whispered after he let her breast pop from his mouth, laving the areola dry. “Is it dawning on you, girl, that you’ve basically lost all rights and privileges? I must meet your basic needs for food, water, and shelter only, the rest is discretionary.” He flicked his wrist.

  The gravity of her situation hit her like a ton of bricks. She truly was his ward, prisoner, and his captive for as long as he desired.

  This could be forever.

  Her bottom was black and blue; her little pucker red and sore; she’d been spanked, paddled, and shocked, all within a few hours. How would she survive this?

  Xan blurred in her watery gaze, the tears catching on her lashes before tracking down her cheeks. Her plight seemed hopeless.

  “Ohhhh, pet. Don’t cry. You’ll be cherished here, as long as you’re a good girl. It’s been a rough day for you—and will continue to be—until you learn how to obey and submit.” He patted her sore bottom lightly, giving her the first warm smile she’d seen since she entered his domain.

  Instead of being comforted by his kindness, she broke into sobs, gasping and hiccupping. “But, I’m n-not a g-good girl. I d-don’t always l-listen.”

  “Oh, poor girl.” He quietly chuckled, and it quickly turned into laughter.

  Shocked, she caught her sobs, swiping at her tears, watching the man laugh until he had tears in his eyes, also. Then she became angry, gritting her teeth, fighting off the urge to bite the tip of his nose. But, the dull, throbbing ache in her bottom had her rethinking that.