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The Alien's Mark (Captives of Pra'kir Book 4) Page 8
The Alien's Mark (Captives of Pra'kir Book 4) Read online
Page 8
She spat at him, growling and lunging, snapping her teeth toward his face.
“Stop, Level 2!”
The collar shocked her neck, the tendons constricting, her head tossing back, quivering. She felt thankful the anal plug had been taken out—at least she didn’t have to contend with that assault.
“Bad girl!” His smoldering black eyes glared back, his breath puffing through his nostrils. She’d definitely poked the bear. “Shall I shock you again, or are you going to keep those teeth to yourself? Maybe I should blister your backside before I fuck you.”
He shifted, opening a drawer to extract a huge pine paddle. The thickness had her holding her breath.
That will fucking kill me.
She shook her head vigorously. “N-no. Please, no, Master.”
“We’ll keep it right here. Your behavior will tell me to use it or not.” He placed it close enough it never left her view.
She had struggled enough. Here very survival would hinge upon knowing when to fight and when to surrender. As much as she wanted to go all ninja warrior on him, she knew it could force him to kill her or send her back to jail—which would ultimately end with her death there. She needed to be smart, needed to stay cool. Her point had been made. Now she needed to succumb, let him have his way.
His cock pressed against her sex, slipping into her sheath. “You’re so tight.” He gritted his teeth, closing his eyes briefly. “And wet. You like this, girl.”
She fought spitting at him again. If her body had made any juice, it certainly wasn’t from pleasure or liking any of his actions. Fuck. She’d never had any control over her body—did anyone?
He pushed into her until his cock bumped the mouth of her womb. She grunted in response.
“Ganza was right. I fit nicely into you, girl.”
He stilled inside her, letting her body adjust and damn if her sex didn’t start pulsing, contracting around his hardness. Her hips swiveling under his, his pubic bone pressing against her mound, urging her toward a sexual response—against her will.
On cue, he gently pressed and prodded his cock inside her, angling himself so he slid along her G-spot.
She arched her back, suppressing any sexual reaction to the best of her ability, forcing her hips to still, regardless of his actions.
He muttered under his breath, “So stubborn.” Shaking his head, his emotions shifted, the tic in his jaw evident, he thrust harshly—painfully into her pussy. The skin-on-skin slapping filled the quiet space.
The punishing length of him had her sex screaming in pain. Willing herself to get through this without a shout or sob, she had bit her lip through most of it to assist her in keeping silent, but she’d been unable to prevent the tears from leaking down her face into her hair and ears.
He plowed into her harshly with unrelenting thrusts until he shouted, his warm seed filling her, spurt after spurt.
It was then that she cried.
Would her birth control keep her from becoming pregnant with an alien’s child? Would the STD vaccination given to all travelers to other planets protect her from any disease he may have from this one?
He slid out of her, rolling onto his back and bringing her with him so she lay on top of his body. His softening, sticky cock, pulsing and throbbing, pressed against her soft belly.
She swiped at her tears, not wanting him to see her weakness.
Clearing his throat, he pressed her head against his chest, the thumping of his heart under her ear. “Tonight was more mechanical than normal—to seal our contract, a formality. I’m a skilled lover. You’ll be taken care of better than this in the future.”
She didn’t respond or move. In her mind, that statement required no response. His seed slowly dripped from her, no doubt onto his body. She squirmed just enough to feel her skin glide along the juices.
“Lie still. I like feeling my come sluice from your little body. Soon you’ll sleep in your own bed. Enjoy my warmth while you can.” His large hand rested casually on her ass, covering most of both buttocks.
At least she’d have a respite—her own bed—someplace to be away from him and all of this.
“Blythe? Wake up, Blythe.” His deep voice rolled into her subconscious. She’d apparently fallen asleep. The day had been grueling and very long. For someone who hadn’t been punished before, she’d suffered several punishments along with his sexual foray. He held her elbow, helping her off the bed. Her skin was moist, her thighs and sex sticky with his semen.
“Normally, you’ll sleep in your own room, but tonight, and maybe longer, I want to keep an eye on you.” He walked her over to the far corner of the room, but still within eyeshot of his bed. “You’ll sleep on this bed, on the floor. I have a blanket and pillow for you. It even has an adjustable air mattress.”
It looked like the bed her parents had for their dog—just larger—and next to it was an even larger dog crate.
“Ah, yes. You’re seeing your other bed now.”
“My b-bed?”
“Yes. Of course. It seems a bit harsh, even for me, to put you in your crate tonight. But you’ll be comfortable in there when the time comes. The bed is heated, and I have made sure it fits your dimensions. I had it specially made for you.” He smiled proudly at her.
“Well, isn’t that just fucking wonderful. Am I supposed to be pleased…thankful even?”
His eyebrows knitted, his eyes narrowing. Taking a step toward her, he stood dangerously close. “Yes, you are, as a matter of fact. I could have you sleeping in the shed out back. Keep that in mind. I’ve gone to great lengths to assure your comfort, but if you’re unappreciative, I can make your life a living hell, pet!”
She swallowed.
Avoid insulting your captor.
She needed to backpedal on this. “I’m sorry, Master.” She dropped her gaze to the floor.
He tilted her chin up, watching her eyes intently. “It’s been a long day, and you’ve had a lot to digest in a short time. You’re forgiven.” He stroked the side of her face softly. Then, abruptly, he dropped his hand. “Do you need to use the bathroom before you sleep?”
“Yes, Sir…Master.”
“I like hearing you say that. In time, you’ll become comfortable with saying it. Come. The facilities are this way.” He walked toward a large room off the bedroom. Upon entering, a soft-pink light came on. Just enough to light the room at night.
He pointed toward the commode. “Go ahead.”
She stood in front of it, waiting for him to exit the room, blinking at him silently.
“Oh. I’m not leaving, girl. You’ll do your business in front of me.” He leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms on his broad, hairless chest.
Her eyes dropped to his cock, now flaccid, still larger than most men’s on Earth hard. It twitched, elongating. “My cock likes you looking at it. You may be unaware, but you even licked your lips while staring. All in due time, my girl. You’ll have your chance to suck me off…once I trust you.”
“I-I didn’t lick my lips at all!”
“Oh but you did. Now, hurry. Go to the bathroom.” He spun his finger in a circle pointing to the toilet.
“But I need you to leave.”
Exhaling loudly, he pushed off the doorframe and stalked toward her, dropping his voice. “You’ll sit and do your business now. Or I’ll paddle your backside and then you can go to the bathroom. Choice is yours.” He looked at the clock on the wall. “You have three seconds. One. Two.”
She dropped her ass quickly onto the hard cold toilet—it wasn’t forgiving against her sore bottom. She did her business quickly, her face warm with her blush of embarrassment.
“No need to be embarrassed, pet. You’ll become accustomed to voiding in front of me.”
God, they didn’t train me for this at the university.
Searching for toilet paper, she shouted with surprise when water and then forced air washed and dried her bum. The whole process was hands free.
way, pet.” With a hand to her bottom, he guided her back to the room, pulling the blanket off the large oval dog bed. “Lie down.”
“Thank you, Sir.” She knelt, crawling into the bed and had to admit it felt like heaven. She’d indeed sleep well here.
The sound of metal-on-metal clinked near her ear. He’d clipped her leash to the collar. “I’ll be chaining you to the wall. I’m taking no chances, not until you’ve earned my trust.”
She wasn’t sure she had the energy to escape tonight anyway. Tomorrow maybe…or next week. Tonight she needed to sleep, let her body recuperate from the assault and assorted punishments of the day.
Blythe woke up to Ganza shouting. “Up, girl! Time for your bath. Master says.”
“Who the fuck cares what Master wants.” She’d rolled over on her very warm and cozy bed, tossing the covers over her head, hoping to blot out the noisy, intrusive woman.
A rush of cool air preceded the harsh crack of Ganza’s hand on her still-sore bottom. “I said up with you! If you don’t get up, I’ll be calling Billex to assist me.”
Well, that woke her up quick. She darted out of bed. Although she was sure Billex must have redeeming qualities—somewhere—her initial impression of him had her giving him a wide berth, and the last thing she needed was an angry Billex being summoned to assist Ganza.
“It’s nice to know the threat of Billex has you moving, I’ll be working on demanding the same respect for myself. Now, into the bathroom with you.” She shoved Blythe none too kindly into the sterile, completely white bathroom. Gone was the pleasingly pink light. The switch was left in the off position while Ganza apparently favored the blindingly bright blue-white bulbs dotting the ceiling.
“Christ!” She shielded her eyes. “Are you planning on doing surgery in this fucking room?”
“No, that’s done in a different room.”
Blythe dropped her arm from her eyes, blinking at the woman.
“Not now, girl. Get your ass in the shower so I can wash you up. The doctor is waiting for you.”
Blythe grabbed onto the doors of the shower, stopping the large woman from propelling her into the multiple sprays of water. “Wait…what? Waiting for me…why is he…is he going to… Why?”
“You have a lot of questions. I’m not in a talkative mood today. Get your ass in the shower.” Ganza pried her hands from the door, unceremoniously shoving her into the glass-doored shower stall big enough for ten people. Cool brown tile lined it from floor to ceiling, all the fixtures and handles gold. It gleamed—like everything else in the bathroom.
Funny that the shower was gold and brown when the rest of the bathroom was steel and blue. She wondered at the logic. From what little she knew of Xan, that detail wouldn’t have been lost on him. Therefore, it was done on purpose.
With the press of a button, the shower spurted soap from wall sockets, coating her with a green, flowery-smelling goo, and with the press of lathered the soap on Blythe’s slickened body. It was then that the water shut off and the matronly older woman entered the shower, her meaty hands working the soap into Blythe’s body.
Blythe slapped Ganza’s hands away, biting out a response. “Why are you in here? I can do this myself! I don’t need you touching me or helping me.”
Ganza reached up, grabbing an abnormally long wooden-handled bath brush. The older woman swung her around, pressing her up against the tile wall, her nipples peaking at the cold. Blythe watched from the periphery of her vision, while the older woman paddled the living hell out of her still bruised and sore ass.
Blythe screamed, desperately fighting to get away—all to no avail.
“When I tell you to stand still, you will stand still. When I’ve been instructed to bathe the ward, it means I’m to wash her—myself! With no assistance from the brat.” Ganza focused the rest of her swats on Blythe’s upper thighs. “As a ward in this house, you have no say. You do as you’re told. And you will never slap me again. Do. You. Understand?”
The last three swats were to the crest of her bottom and were harder than the rest. Blythe couldn’t even draw enough air to speak, and to be honest.
Ganza let go of her back and replaced the brush in its spot on the wall near the shower, watching her do her spanking dance.
Blythe held her bottom in both hands, sobbing pitifully and loudly. She spun in a circle, shifting from foot to foot, bending over in hopes stretching the muscles in her buttocks would somehow alleviate the pain. But nothing much helped.
“Enough! Stand still and stop your crying, girl!” Ganza stood with her hands on her hips, her lips thinned, teeth clenched.
Blythe immediately stifled her sobs, hiccupping behind her tightly sealed lips, tears still tracking down her cheeks, and she stilled her feet, standing stock still.
“It appears I’ve gained your respect, haven’t I, bad girl?”
“Y-Yes, ma’am.”
“Shall we continue with your bath?” She raised both eyebrows, waiting for Blythe’s response.
“Y-Yes, ma’am.”
Tears dripped off her chin unbidden, her body racked with hiccups and gasps for air. Blythe swore she’d be a good girl for the rest of the day—hell, maybe for the week. Her ass felt torn up. She brought her hands up to see if she was bleeding. Nope. Blood free.
The deep chuckle from Ganza had her confused.
“You thought I drew blood on your backside?”
Blythe nodded solemnly.
“I’ve been at this far too long to make such a rookie mistake. I’ve paddled many a girl’s bottom in my time on Pra’kir, and yours is no different, just smaller. It’s two cheeks attached to two legs, part of my chore. Like a skilled surgeon or bridge builder, I know my trade. I know how much strength to use with each implement. You won’t find any blood or scars from me, my girl. A bruise or temporary mar on your delicate skin, yes. That makes for the perfect discipline session. Just enough of a mark to remind you every time you sit, move, or brush against something that your Ganza expects obedience.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“I think you’ll be reminded of this bath for a couple of days—it may even make your appointment with the good doctor a pleasant one—for both of you.” The large woman nodded to herself. “Yep, that’s why people hire Ganza. She’s good at what she does, and she can make even the most disobedient, bratty woman behave. You’ll be a well-behaved ward and slave when I’m done with your training.”
She roughly washed Blythe. Sudsing her breasts, she plucked at the nipples harshly. She rubbed each arm, her torso and belly, not missing a spot. When she continued her downward march to Blythe’s pussy, she slipped her large finger into her slit, dragging her soapy digit along her seam, cleaning the inner ruffles of her sex. She then dipped her finger into her, pushing obscenely far, twirling her finger along the sensitive areas.
Blythe clenched instinctively around the meaty finger; her hips moved of their own volition.
“We ain’t here to play, girl. I’m cleaning you, and I like to do a thorough job of it, as you can see. But playing with your pussy is his job, not mine.” She paused, lips curling into a smile as she made eye contact with Blythe. “Although I do have to say, with someone as responsive as yourself, I think I’d find fingering you—and more—to be a pleasurable experience.”
Even after the beating she’d just received, Blythe had to fight the urge to bite or spit at the woman.
Instead, she stood placidly and smiled sweetly.
Ganza pulled on Blythe’s arm. Standing her over a drain in the center of the stall, she pressed a green button, and water shot straight up from it, hitting her on the feet.
“Spread your legs.”
Blythe did as asked and the water hit her vagina with such a force, she took a step back.
“Stay still, and bend your knees.” To encourage her obedience, Ganza slapped the back of both knees sharply.
To say she felt foolish in this position was an understatement. T
he water shot into her channel with the force of a fire hose, giving her the equivalent of a douche. Her thighs shook, more from nerves and tension than actual pain.
Pressing the button on top again, the water immediately stopped, and Blythe stayed in position, squatting obscenely, until given further instruction.
“Okay. Up.” Ganza twisted a dial, and an almost too warm air blew from all the nozzles that had previously sprayed water, drying her body instantly.
“Time for your plug. Bend over.”
“Oh. Are we…do I need to wear that again?” Blythe hoped the woman would relent.
“Of course. You’ll be wearing this every day. It’s part of your routine. Trust me, soon you’ll feel empty without it. Besides, Master intends it as part of your punishment.” She snapped her fingers, pointing toward the floor.
Blythe bent over, wrapping her arms around her knees, her legs spread. After her altercation with the bath brush she didn’t wish to push Ganza any further. She had a long day ahead of her yet.
“Look at this poor bottom.” Ganza clucked, brutally rubbing the sore cheeks. The small metal plug pressed against her anus. “Open for it, girl.”
Blythe bore down, the plug slipping easily into her, the ring of muscle constricting on the small neck.
“Up. Let me do your hair, getting up on the top of your head and then it will be time for your breakfast. The doctor has been waiting for your examination long enough. Hurry.” She shooed her out of the room with a none-too-gentle push between her shoulder blades.
Xan lined his tools on the tray just the way he liked them. Only a sheet awaited Blythe on the table. A gown wouldn’t be necessary. He’d keep her unclothed—like he had for the duration of her stay thus far.
His cock twitched just thinking about her curvy, naked form. He loved a lush ass and generous breasts, but when he’d requested her as his ward, he’d done so with absolutely no knowledge of her body type. The gods of Na had definitely been looking out for him that day.
Watching her curled up on her bed this morning just before dawn, grimacing, her eyelids fluttering with her dreams, had tugged at his heart. He knew he’d been rough with her the day before, knew she’d more than likely been dreaming—having nightmares—of the punishments she’d received.